Thursday, March 27, 2014

You don't have to be well-dressed! You just have to be real.

Latrisha Bentch did a super awesome job yesterday at the Lancaster Rotary in front of "the largest group of well-dressed people she ever stood in front of," as she told them. She was articulate and armed with facts, but more importantly she was genuine and real and allowed the audience some insight into the very difficult choices we face everyday.

Daylin Leach - always genuine and himself - convincingly explained the difficulties we face getting SB1182 passed since we can't even study a Schedule 1 drug. Amazing and always au courant, he could talk to a roomful of old guys, make a Viagra joke (it was discovered by accident, you know) and still get a laugh. This is how policy gets changed. Everyone needs to get out there and talk to don't even have to be well-dressed! You just have to be real.

-MP Tomei

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