Please join us in a mass mailing to Governor Corbett.
The goal is to send as many cards/letters from voters and supporters of SB1182 and medical cannabis as we can and to bring to the governor's attention that it is more than just moms of sick kids who want this...that there are supporters who have no immediate medical need as well and that these people vote!
For this to be a success, please adhere to the following guidelines:
1. With any correspondence, please be respectful with your message.
2. All letters must come only from Pennsylvania residents, preferably voting age, but the kiddos can write in support of their siblings/parents too.
3. One letter/card per person.
4. Must be HAND WRITTEN and snail mailed! I'm sure the post office will love us as they need the work!
5. DO NOT mail these cards/letters until SATURDAY APRIL 26! It's important that we all mail them the same day.
6. Keep it professional...please no marijuana leaf pictures or paraphernalia! Remember, this scares certain politicians and will only serve to reinforce any rediculous stereotypes they already have.
7. The card should be simple...non descript..or someone mentioned getting cards with your loved ones pictures on it...that's great! The personal touch is always good. Or you could just write it on plain stationery. It doesn't have to be fancy. The message is the most important thing!
8. The context of the message is basically to say that you are a voter and you support SB1182 and the compassionate use of medical cannabis and you ask that he do the same. If you are a Republican or Independent, please mention that as I'm sure he would like to hear more form his own party...And that if you voted for him before and are considering either voting for him again or not, please mention that too. Again...the goal is to let him know that there are many supporters of this bill and this is our democratic way of showing him that. You can add anything else you want to personalize it, just make sure that the gist of the context is in there.
9. Please get as many family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, church members, FB friends, etc. that you can to participate! The more letters the better!
10. Veterans......please get involved in a big way with this! You guys fought for this country and for these politicians! Let them know you need this help! They take what you say seriously..this is your chance!
And....finally......the address to send them to is:
Governor Tom Corbett
508 E-floor Main Capitol Building
Harrisburg , PA. 17120
THANK YOU! Can't wait to see how many are sent! Please post numbers and pictures of the cards, etc. Keep the momentum going!
Click here for more information!
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