Update March, 2014

February 19th, Lorelei had to be admitted to a hospital in northern New
Jersey for a three day video EEG. Twenty or so leads were super glued
to her scalp and she had to remain in her hospital bed for all of those
three days. This is necessary to collect data and for her to be in front
of the camera. We were told that Lorelei just may have "Lorelei's
syndrome". She just doesn't seem to fit any specific diagnosis. We are
still looking for answers and an effective treatment.
brings me to today, March 3rd. Lorelei is currently under anesthesia,
having a procedure. She has complained of abdominal pain for months now
and we are, again, searching for answers. Waiting for biopsy results.
Waiting is something we do an awful lot of.
has so many seizures, it's difficult to keep count. She has between
200-400 seizures every day. In the thirty-five, plus days since the hearing,
Lorelei has had 7,000-14,000 seizures. Putting it in black and white is
even shocking for me. It's incomprehensible to
think that this is somehow ok. That my Lorelei is being made to suffer
like this when there is something, as benign as cannabis, that can help
want more for Lorelei. I want more for all of these children. I want
more for all of Pennsylvania. Please call your legislators, call
Governor Corbett, insist that they support Senate Bill 1182, The
Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Act. The time for action is now.
You can follow Lorelei's journey by "Liking" her facebook page, Legalize for Lorelei, at www.facebook.com/ legalizeforlorelei.
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