Pennsylvania patients, parents and activists received a warm welcome from Governor Wolf and his top aids.
March 19, 2015, Governor Tom Wolf, sat down with a group of twenty or
so patients, parents and activists working to bring a medicinal cannabis
program to the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Members of
Campaign for Compassion, Pittsburgh NORML, and Keystone Cannabis Coalition
had the opportunity to sit down with Wolf, Policy Director John Hanger,
and Chief of Staff Kathleen McGinty. They listened to concerns that the
current legislation being considered by the Senate would be too
limited. The Governor and his staff demonstrated a clear understanding
of trusting Pennsylvania physicians to make treatment suggestions and to
not arbitrarily restrict treatable conditions or delivery methods.
so thankful the Governor sat down to talk with us. He has been very
vocal in his support for medicinal cannabis,” said Lolly Bentch, one of
the parents fighting for medicinal cannabis for her child with
a severe seizure disorder. “More than once throughout this gathering,
many of us felt the overwhelming urge to burst into cheers, simply for
having a Governor who is so willing to join in a conversation about
Medical Cannabis.” Activists’ countless requests for a meeting with the
prior Administration fell on deaf ears despite a threatened sit-in.
listen to the Governor talk about the need for vaporization as an
effective delivery method, showed us that he understands the issues
facing Pennsylvania patients,” said Patrick K. Nightingale of Pittsburgh
NORML. “He understands that this is an issue that should be between a
patient and their physician.” Nightingale said.

The Governor
made clear to everyone in attendance that they had a friend and ally in
Harrisburg. “Remember, all three of us (Wolf, Hanger & McGinty) ran on this issue,” he said
drawing laughs and applause from the group. But as much as he would like
to implement a medicinal cannabis program immediately, his hands are
tied until the Senate and the House of Representatives act on this time-sensitive matter.
Everyone in attendance acknowledged the
challenges in moving forward. While there is broad public support in
Pennsylvania for a medicinal Cannabis program, there remain concerns
that it would be too limited by restricting treatable conditions and
restricting delivery methods. A medicinal marijuana bill seems assured
of passing the Senate, like it did last session, but its future in the
House is less certain. For his part, the Governor offered unwavering
support, heartfelt encouragement, sound advice, and common sense
solutions to many of the obstacles facing medicinal cannabis advocates.
Campaign for Compassion Administrator, Lolly Bentch, said “As we move
forward, we continue to hope that members of the General Assembly will
remember one thing, good health is promised to no one. Disease affects
young and old, rich or poor. Disease HAS NO BOUNDARIES. So why should
compassion have boundaries? There is no better time to extend our hearts
and help one another. We must communicate the urgency of this matter to our legislature.”
urge all who support medicinal cannabis to “Please call your Senator
and Representative and tell them to support Medical Cannabis in the
Commonwealth NOW!"
For more information:
Lolly Bentch -
Dana Ulrich -
Patrick K. Nightingale -
Les Stark -