Thursday, February 26, 2015

In Case You Missed It!

On February 25, 2015, a hearing was held in the Senate's State Government Committee, chaired by Senator Mike Folmer. Opening testimony was heard from Chris Ellis and Nathan Groff on a real-time registry that might offer a possible solution for quick communication between doctors, dispensaries, and law enforcement in regards to cannabis dispensing and allowable amounts. Next, opposition was presented by several members of the Pennsylvania Medical Society, Dr. Steven Shapiro and Dr. Bruce MacLeod. Finally, the hearing concluded with expert testimony offered by Dr. Colleen Barry, Dr. Jeffrey Raber, Dr. Thomas Trite, Dr. Jack D'Angelo, and Mr. Josh Stanley. These experts offered information on current research and studies, as well as, highlighted the need and safety of vaporization and the importance of not limiting the accepted conditions list in SB3.

Click on the link below to view these testimonies.

Senate State Government Committee Hearing

Following the hearing, Campaign for Compassion held a press conference in support of Senate Bill 3.  

We dare you to you watch Representative Ed Gainey's speech 
without getting goose bumps! 

Each one of these speakers moved us with their passion and sincerity. 
Our team would like to extend our deepest gratitude to everyone who participated, including: 

   * Secretary of Planning and Policy to the Governor, John Hanger
   * Senator Mike Folmer
   * Senator Daylin Leach
   * Representative Ed Gainey
   * Dolphin County Coroner Graham Hetrick
   * Executive Director of Pittsburgh NORML Patrick Knightengale, Esquire
   * Tim Keller, Patient Advocate who suffers from Reflex Sympathetic Dystorphy
   * Veteran Joe Mirts (Joe Boots), Patient Advocate who suffers from PTSD and Multiple Sclerosis

Below is the link to view the press conference.

Campaign for Compassion Press Conference