Monday, January 26, 2015


Campaign for Compassion is a grassroots organization advocating for the compassionate use of cannabis for medical reasons. Our organization is made up of caregivers and patients who live outside the scope of modern medicine. For us, and our loved ones, there are no viable medical options left. Cannabis has shown promise for a number of different ailments either by alleviating symptoms of disease or improving quality of life.

Our mission has always been to educate, educate, educate! There are a lot of myths and misconceptions when it comes to cannabis. We aim to dispel those myths and to separate fact from fiction. This maligned plant has been steeped in the historical mistruths and propaganda for far too long and this has caused much suffering to continue.

Our team has been working to provide facts and information to Pennsylvania legislatures and residents. Below, you will find links to several "CANNAFACTS". We hope many question are answered, however, if you would like more information, we encourage you to explore our website or e-mail us at 
"CANNAFACTS" [Kan-uh-fakts] 
n. a facsimile of facts about cannabis that addresses different topics of interest 
in regards to the research, laws and history of this plant.

The History




Senate Bill 3



Medical Cannabis Pamphlet
brought to you by Keystone Organic Farms

Friday, January 23, 2015

Be There or Beware!

It is more important than ever that you let your voice be heard! If you are one of the ill Pennsylvanians in need of medical cannabis, we are calling on you to attend this important press conference so your voice can be heard. If we don't make our presence known right now, we are gravely concerned that you or your loved ones condition could be left out of this vital bill.

This Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 10:00am, in the Main Rotunda, Senators Mike Folmer and Daylin Leach will be officially introducing Senate Bill 3, the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Act!

We are encouraging everyone to attend. Call your family, call your friends! Let's make our presence felt at the Capitol for the first time in 2015! It is more important than ever for those patients that were left out of last year's bill, that passed through the Senate, to be at this event. Now, more than ever before, it's time to show our elected officials that ALL Pennsylvanians matter. If you have contacts with your local media, please ask them to be there as well. Your stories need to be told!

This is also a great opportunity to meet with your Senator and/or Representative. Try to set up a time to meet with them that day, since you'll be there already. Tell your story, let them know why the passage of SB3 is important to you. Talk to them about why a fully comprehensive medical cannabis program is crucial for Pa and why we need a bill that is well regulated but that is broad enough to leave medical decisions in the hands of medical professionals.

Thanks everyone, see you on Tuesday!

Be sure to follow the event on Facebook

ALSO, save the date for
an informational forum on medical marijuana (cannabis) with PA State Senators David G. Argall and Mike Folmer, and members of the Campaign For Compassion on Wednesday, February 11 at 6:30pm in Bernville, PA. Stay tuned for more detailed information to come next week!

Monday, January 19, 2015

We Turned a Few Heads!

The Farm Show:

Our booth at the 2015 PA Farm Show was a huge success! Again, a big thank you to Suri Farm for the booth donation, and for staffing the space every day, putting in extremely long hours to make sure our message was heard. Also, an enthusiastic thank you to Mary Pat Tomei and Thomas Perko along with the help of Outreach Media for help on our fantastic brochures and signage, and to Senators Folmer and Leach for providing staff to help and for being there to speak to passers by. And of course, all of our love and appreciation for all of the advocates that stepped up and helped this week!

Our words were well received by most of the Farm Show attendees. It was a great feeling being able to reach out to many of the 130,000 Pennsylvanians who visited this year. We were aware going into this venture that our work there would not necessarily determine whether Senate Bill 3 passes, however, we never pass up the opportunity to educate our fellow citizens on the benefits of medical cannabis. It is our responsibility to not only lobby for the expedition of this life saving legislation, but to continue to chip away at the stigmas and irrational fears associated with this amazing medicine. The only way to do that is to (in the words of Senator Folmer) "Educate, educate, educate."! 

Senate Bill 3:

Last year the push for a medical marijuana (cannabis) program in Pennsylvania made historic advances. The proposed bill was unanimously voted out of the Senate Law & Justice Committee and then passed out of the Senate with a 43 to 7 vote. With little time left in the session, the bill stalled when no action was taken in the House.

This year the Compassionate Use of Medical Cannabis Act will be reintroduced in both the Senate and the House with a renewed effort to establish a regulated medical cannabis program. Under the proposed legislation, sick and suffering patients will be able to obtain cannabis, or a derivative product of the plant, through a regulated system that would grow, process and distribute unadulterated cannabis products that are free of contaminants and of known potency and consistency. Patients, along with their medical professionals, would decide not only if medical cannabis is an appropriate option for their medical needs, but what form to use and how to administer it.

The Pamphlet:

We had the opportunity to distribute over 4,000 pamphlets, which summarizes the history of medical cannabis, its value as a treatment option, and how a regulated medical cannabis program would benefit the citizens of PA. If you were not able to attend the Farm Show or missed our booth, you still have the opportunity to read and share this great resource! Below is the link to the online version of the pamphlet. Please take time to educate yourself and spread the word by sharing this post!

View Online Now
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected 
are as outraged as those who are.” -Ben Franklin

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Join us at the 2015 Pennsylvania Farm Show!

Campaign for Compassion recently received an extremely kind and generous donation. We were given a booth at the 2015 Pennsylvania Farm Show, for the purpose of educating the thousands of Pennsylvanians, who will visit this year, on the benefits of Medicinal Cannabis. 
Suri Farms usually brings their adorable Alpacas to the Farm Show, however, because the owners believe in our cause and want to help us in our efforts, they opted to instead donate the space to us.
On Saturday, Jan 10th, the first day of the event, our heroes and primary sponsors, Senators Daylin Leach and Mike Folmer, will be working the booth, so be sure to visit and say hello! 

Our friends at Keystone Cannabis Coalition will be in the Keystone Conference Room-Delaware Room C from 4:30-8:30, with Senators Judith Schwank and Mike Folmer, to introduce Pennsylvania’s first hemp bill, SB50.

You can find the Campaign for Compassion team in the Northwest Hall. We will be there from Saturday, January 10th through Saturday, January 17th. Please visit the Farm Show website for schedule info and maps.
Please consider stopping by to learn more about Senate Bill 3, the Compassionate Use of Cannabis Act, and what you may be able to offer in our movement to see this impactful piece of legislation passed in a timely manner.